This is my honest sneak peak inside Atomic DFY Review and WTF Is Missing and why you need my Atomic DFY bonuses to make it complete https://ourbestidea.com/buy-atomic-dfy
Bonus Page https://ourbestidea.com/atomic-dfy-bo…
My Review Page Blog https://ourbestidea.com/atomic-dfy/
Atomic DFY Demo Atomic DFY, which means Done-For-You, to get free traffic, digital assets, and monetization 100% done for you.
This is beginner friendly and Atomic DFY eliminates the “confusion” and “frustration” of starting an online business, and gives you a complete system, right out of the box.
Their mission they say is make this as easy as possible for you. When everybody else is stuck on complicated funnels or annoying chat bots, we’re here to keep it simple.
So is Atomic DFY going to work for you or is it a SCAM? I have some questions? Is everything easy to setup?
How fast can you get results with this? Is it worth your time and money? So what’s inside, what do you get ?
Check Out my Atomic DFY Review Video To find out…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2xu-… https://youtu.be/O2xu-mI0dgM
#atomicdfyreview #atomicdfybonus #atomicdfy
Check Here to Get Atomic DFY at the Best Possible Price
Here is the ATOMIC DFY Funnel Breakdown:
Great price and you can’t go wrong on the …
FRONT END: ATOMIC DFY $22.95 Early Bird First 6 Hours then Rises on a Dime Sale
- After Launch Atomic DFY is $40.95
Their amazing software provides 50 assets, tons of traffic & monetization.
They provide a 100% “done for you” solution for consumers, so that they don’t struggle going from scratch.
They have tactically placed exactly what they need for success.
Upsell 1, If you can afford it and really want to grow you business to new levels then the first upsell is worth getting..
More assets, more traffic and more training…
4 extra assets per month, 15 more traffic sources, and more training…
Upsell 2, is DFY High Ticket pages you can add to make more money…
OTO 2 – $1,000+ ATOMIC ASSETS (done for you high ticket) = $197
By default, you’re getting getting pages that you can customize how you want. But, with this upgrade, we’re going to give you “High Ticket” pages that are already proven to convert. You just add them, and let them bring in $1,000+ commissions automatically.
Upsell 3, I guess with the source code you can brand these assets under your own name…
OTO 3 – SOURCE CODE = $197
We’re giving you the source code to all the assets. So you can brand them all to you.
Imagine all the possibilities to create your own information empire.
Upsell 4, they let you put a pixel on their sales pages so you can re-target people that visit their sales pages…
This is a good one as they get a lot of traffic you can re-target..
You can use a google pixel and then use google ads for this.
I added as one on my bonuses how to do this if you choose to get this OTO.
OTO 4 – Limitless Traffic = $197
Upsell 5, This is an awesome one .. check the image below to what you get…
OTO 5 – Everything Bundle = $397
If you can only afford one OTO/ Upsell I would recommend the
Is ATOMIC DFY worth your hard earned money?
I would recommend it as you get a ton of value..
great for a beginner to get some buy buttons up to collect leads and make money…
HOWEVER the software is missing one important thing, that I’ve added in my bonuses:
The Ninja Master Kick Start!!
My Custom Ninja Master Bonus Tutorial Tricks & Tips To Increase Your Profits Faster And Get Ahead of Your Competition Using The Atomic DFY Software
Plus You Can Get My of Must Have Atomic DFY bonus Pack
They give you the assets, traffic and monetization.
You won’t have to spend any time or money on outsourcing. It’s all 100% done for you.
And best of all, it’s a “one time” payment of $22.95 with zero monthly fees.
Check Here to Get Atomic DFY at the Best Possible Price
Check Out My Bonuses Here ….
#atomicDFY #atomicDFYreview #atomicDFYbonus